Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Comment and win prizes!

I never knew that we could win prizes just by commenting until I saw a tweet from @smashing regarding their "comment and win contest". After posting a comment I noticed a similar website called instantshift, which hosted a similar contest as per the entry - "comment-and-win-a-free-membership-to-elegant-themes". Without wasting a second I posted a comment there too.

Here is an excerpt from the post:

Taking part in this giveaway is easy… well, maybe not that easy. We’re keen on seeing a lot of comments and want to see at least 5,000 comments in this post, so spread the word and help us get to 5,000 or more comments and then win one of the smashing prizes below. The 5,000 comment challenge is important, folks. If we don’t reach that goal, then the prizes get torched. Okay, they don’t get torched, but the giveaway only kicks in after 5000 comments

I wish I could win one of them. Try you luck by commenting. May be you could win a prize.